Thank you to local media outlets for telling the story of community need. We are pleased to share a few samples below.
From WHO13 TV:
From Iowa Public Radio:
"Jennifer Heithoff, the chief program officer with Impact Community Action Partnership, which distributes the federal funds, said they had to stop accepting applications for the program earlier this month because they believe once they have processed all existing applications, current funding will run out.
"Heithoff said the program receives on average 65 applications a day.
"'So with the nine — now probably looking at a 10-day shutdown — those are...650 Polk County families that are likely facing eviction,' she said." READ MORE
From We Are Iowa:

"'So virtually every single family that we've assisted is at risk for eviction and to date, we've helped just over seven thousand families," [CEO Anne] Bacon said.
"'The program started in Polk County a year ago, but the need is still high.
"'With so many people regularly applying for the program each day and there now being a pause, Bacon said this could put some people who really needed the help in a hard place, like evictions.'" READ MORE
You can help!
IMPACT Community Action Partnership gratefully accepts donations to assist families facing eviction, or with other essential needs such as heat, food, and emergency assistance. Donate online or contact Terri Speirs, chief development officer by telephone 515-348-4247 or email,