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2023 by the numbers - Thank you!

A message from IMPACT CEO Anne Bacon.


Thank you for another incredible year of serving families with essential needs. I'd like to share with you a summary of what we accomplished together, along with a promise to provide a more full report in February. Thank you for supporting the mission we all care about: reducing the barriers and burdens that families in poverty experience by increasing access to essential needs.


Anne Bacon, CEO

IMPACT Community Action Partnership

2023 by the numbers 

(fiscal year October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023)

Service Numbers

  • 5 counties served: Boone Jasper, Marion, Polk, and Warren

  • 55,120 individuals served

  • 22,759 households served

  • 26,294 children served

  • 6,723 seniors served

  • 5,591 individuals with a disabling condition served

  • 1,201 veterans or active military served

Housing Assistance

  • 5,913 households received emergency rent assistance

  • 1,955 landlord/tenant mediations conducted

Utilities Assistance

  • 43,609 utility assistance services provided (heating and cooling)

  • 3,850 water assistance services facilitated

Food and Health Assistance

  • 10,019 individuals received food assistance

  • 2,369 individuals received personal hygiene kits

Community Support

  • 8,424 volunteer hours logged (a value of $267,883)

  • $44 million annual budget

  • Based on a broad base of support from public and private sources including foundations, businesses, individuals, congregations, and local, state, and federal government.

Leadership Hallmarks


Your donation helps families with immediate essential needs, and supports long term solutions to poverty.


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